Programmas ietvaros 2007. gadā sagatavotās publikācijas
Kalnins, A., Vilitis, O.,Celms, E., Kalnina, E., Sostaks, A., Barzdins, J.: Building Tools by Model Transformations in Eclipse. Proceedings of DSM’07 workshop of OOPSLA 2007,Montreal, Canada, Jyväskylä University Printing House, 2007, pp. 194–207.
Šostaks, A., Kalniņš, A.: The Implementation of MOLA to L3 Compiler, LU Rakstos, krājumā „Computer Science and Information Technologies” (iesniegts)
Vilītis, O., Kalniņš, A.: Technical Solutions for the Transformation-Driven Graphical Tool Building Platform METAclipse, LU Rakstos, krājumā „Computer Science and Information Technologies” (iesniegts)
Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., and Saulīte B. Dependency-Based Hybrid Model of Syntactic Analysis for the Languages with a Rather Free Word Order // Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2007), Tartu, May, 2007, pp. 13–20
Barinskis M. and Barzdins G. Satisfiability Model Visualization Plugin for Deep
Consistency Checking of OWL Ontologies // Proceedings of the 3rd International
Workshop "OWL: Experiences and Directions" (OWLED 2007), Innsbruck, June, 2007
Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B. Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Latvian: a Different Approach // Международная конференция “Балтииские языки:
психолингвистика, социолингвистика, компьютерная лингвистика”, Тезисы, Санкт- Петербург, 2007, стр. 18–21
Barzdins G. and Barinskis M. The Minimal Finite Model Visualisation as an Ontology Debugging Tool // Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2007), Brixen, June, 2007. Calvanese D., Franconi E., Haarslev V., Lembo D., Motik B., Tessaris S., Turhan A. Y. (Eds.), Bolzen Bolzano University Press, pp. 523–524
R.Shavelis. Signal Reconstruction from Multiple Level Crossings Using Asymmetric
Constructing Functions. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. – Kaunas: Technologija, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 57-60.
M.Greitans, R.Shavelis. Spline-based signal reconstruction algorithm from multiple level crossing samples. 7th International Conference SampTA 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2007, (on CD).
M.Greitans, R.Shavelis. Speech sampling by level-crossing and its reconstruction using spline-based filtering. 14th International Conference IWSSIP 2007, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2007, pp.305-308.
M.Greitans. Discrete Wigner-Ville distribution in nonuniform sampling case, 7th
International Conference SampTA 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2007, (on CD).
M.Greitans. Time-Frequency Representation Based Chirp-Like Signal Analysis Using
Multiple Level Crossings. 15th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2007, Poznań, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, pp.2254-2258.
K.Kruminsh, A.Lorencs, V.Plocinsh. A2 Paradox in Statistical Processing of Weak
Signals, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences ,Vol. 41, N 1, pp.1-9.
V. Karklinsh, K. Kruminsh, Correlation filtration of statistically transformed signals,
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences ,Vol. 41, N 5, pp. 289-293.
A.Baums, M. Greitans, U.Grunde Development of asynchronous data processing system by using general-purpose microprocessors,// Electronics and Electrical Engineering, N6 (78), 2007., Kaunas Technologija 2007, pp. 21-24
M.Liepins. Processing of threshold-crossing sampled GSM signal on the rectangular
function basis. Proceedings of the “2007 Workshop on Digital Alias-free Signal Processing” (WDASP’07), Apr. 2007, London, UK, pp. 62-65.
I. Bilinskis. Digital Alias-free Signal Processing. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (UK), 2007, 430 p.
Programmas ietvaros 2008. gadā sagatavotās publikācijas
A. Kalnins; E. Celms; A. Sostaks; E. Kalnina; O. Vilitis, MOLA 2 Tool, ECMDA 2008, Tools and Services, pp. 25-28
O. Vilitis, A. Kalnins, A Proxy Approach to External Model Repository Integration in Eclipse EMF Infrastructure, ECMDA 2008, ECMDA 2008, Model Driven Tool and Process Integration, pp. 67-78
E. Kalnina, DSL tool development with transformations and staticmappings, Models 2008, Doctoral Symposium, pp. 9-14, balva par labāko referātu sekcijā, paplašinātais variants (15 lpp) sagatavots
pēckonferences krājumam: Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2008, LNCS vol. 5421
S. Rikacovs. Towards a Seed Transformation Language and Its Implementation, Models 2008, Doctoral Symposium, pp. 27-32
J. Barzdins, S. Kozlovics, E. Rencis. The Transformation-Driven Architecture, OOPSLA 2008, DSM’08, pp. 60-63
Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G. Metodes un rīki tekstu korpusa daudzdimensionālai anotēšanai: projekta SemTi-Kamols pieredze // Starptautiskās konferences "BALTU DIENAS un BALTĀS NAKTIS - apaļais galds "Baltu filoloģija": pēc desmit gadiem" tēžu krājums, Sanktpēterburga, 2008, 12.–14. lpp.
Nešpore G., Saulīte B. „SemTi-Kamola” valodas automātiskas gramatiskās analīzes modelis // Starptautiskās konferences "BALTU DIENAS un BALTĀS NAKTIS - apaļais galds "Baltu filoloģija": pēc desmit gadiem" tēžu krājums, Sanktpēterburga, 2008, 36.–37. lpp.
Nešpore G. The semantic structure of motion verbs in Latvian: Paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspect // The 18th International Congress of Linguists. July 21–26, 2008, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. Abstracts. Vol. II, pp. 31–33.
Saulīte B. Linguistic markers of information structure in Latvian // The 18th International Congress of Linguists. July 21–26, 2008, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. Abstracts. Vol. II, pp. 325–326.
Barzdins G., Liepins E., Veilande M., Zviedris M., Semantic Latvia Approach in the Medical Domain //
Proceedings of the 8th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic
DB&IS 2008), H.M Haav, A.Kalja (Eds.), Tallinn University of Technology Press, pp. 89–102
Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., and Levāne-Petrova K. Multidimensional
Ontologies: Integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics // Proceedings of the XIII Euralex Internacional Congress, Barcelona, July, 2008, E.Bernal and J.DeCesaris (eds.), Universitat Pompeau Fabra, Serie Activitats, Vol. 20, pp.277-284
Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., and Levāne-Petrova K. Ontological Word Sense Disambiguation for Discourse Representation // Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 33–40.
Paikens P. Lexicon-Based Morphological Analysis of Latvian Language // Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus
University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 235–240.
Džeriņš J. and Džonsons K. Harvesting National Language Text Corpora from the Web // Proceedings of
the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by
Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 87-94.
Saulīte B., Nešpore G., Barzdins G., Gruzitis N., μ-ontoloģijas — situāciju semantikas un ontoloģiskās semantikas apvienojums. Letonikas otrais kongress, Valodniecības raksti 2; 128.–135. lpp., Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2008.
Barzdins G., Barzdins J., Cerans K. From Databases to Ontologies, Semantic Web Engineering in the
Knowledge Society; J.Cardoso, M. Lytras (Eds.), IGI Global, 2008, pp. 242–266.
R. Fuksis, M. Greitans, E. Hermanis. „Motion Analysis and Remote Control System using Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors”. Electronics and Electrical
Engineering, N6 (86), 2008, pp. 72-75.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications „SIGMAP2008” Porto, Portugal, Jul. 2008., pp
M. Greitans, E. Hermanis, „"Three-phase" Representation of Harmonic Signals for Application to Non-contact Diagnostics of Electric Power
Transmission Lines”, Proceedings of the International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10-12 of Sep. 2008. pp.427-430.
A. Baums, U. Grunde, M. Greitans, „Level-crossing sampling using microprocessor based system”, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES’08, Krakow, Poland, Sep. 2008
E. Beiners, K. Kruminsh, V. Peterson. The experimental research of digital sampling converter. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2008.
Volume 42, Number 1, pp. 58-65.
Карклиньш. Модификация статистического метода для обнаружения слабых зашумленных сигналов. Автоматика и вычислительная
техника.-2008.-№1.- С. 40-44.
К Круминьш В Плоциньш О недостаточности критерия в режиме обнаружения сигналов статистическими методами Автоматика и
вычислительная техника.-2008.-№4.-С.63-72.
В.Карклиньш. Статистический метод регистрации зашумленных сигналов с улучшенными характеристиками. Автоматика и вычислительная
A.Lorencs. Digital Signal Processing UD Method and its Statistical Characteristics. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. 2008, No.6, pp. 33-36.
V. Plociņš. Statistical Method Correction Possibilities. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. 2008. No. 2. pp. 29-34.
А. Баумс , Н. Зазнова Энергетическая оптимизация встраиваемых систем реального времени и их адаптивность // Автоматика и
вычислительная техника 2008 N3, c. 59-73.
(iesniegta konferencei IEEE the 34th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP))
Conference EUROCON 2009.
uz The IEEE Region 8 Conference EUROCON 2009.
8 Conference EUROCON 2009.
Э. Бейнер, К. Круминьш. Моделирование и расчет стробируемого балансного компаратора на туннельных диодах. Iesniegts publicēšanai
žurnālā Автоматика и вычислительная техника.
Э. Бейнер, К. Круминьш. Моделирование и расчет ассиметрии стробируемого балансного компаратора на туннельных диодах. Iesniegts
publicēšanai žurnālā Автоматика и вычислительная техника.
Yu. Artyukh, I. Bilinskis, A. Rybakov, K. Sudars, V. Vedin. Modular Multi-channel Data Acquisition
Systems // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 113–119.
Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole. Non-linearity errors of high-precision event timing //
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 191-196.
A. Rybakov. Estimation and Correction of the Time Bias of a Calculated Trajectory in Satellite
Laser Ranging // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1–9.
E. Boole, D. Stepin, V. Stepin. Delay Evaluation in Interactive Exchange with Controllable Devices
for Some Types of Computer Interfaces // Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2008, No.4(84),
I. Bilinskis, Yu. Artyukh, M. Min. Decentralized Multi-channel Digitising of Bioimpedance Signals.
Proceedings of 14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, 2008,
Vol.20, pp. 190-193.
A. Lorencs, I. Mednieks, J. Sinica-Sinavskis. Biomedical Image Processing Based on Regression
Models. Proceedings of 14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical
Physics, Riga, 2008, Vol.20, pp. 536-539.
I. Mednieks. Object detection in grayscale images based on covariance features. Proceedings of
International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Krakow, 2008. pp. 205-209.
V. Bistrov and E. Peterson. Analytic Estimation of Packet Loss Probability in Communication Systems with Self-
Similar Input Flow. // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 197–202. © Allerton
Press, Inc., 2008
M. Kulikovs, E. Petersons. ”//Remarks Regarding Queuing Model and Packet Loss Probability for the Traffic with
Self-Similar Characteristics”//ICT 2008 - Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication
Technologies, //Paris, Francija,3.-6,July.
M. Kulikovs, E. Petersons. ”//Remarks on Packet Loss Probability for the Network Traffic With Self-Similar
Behaviour”, //IADIS , Netherlands, Amsterdam, 22.- 24. september 2008
O. Belmanis, A. Edlund, B. Palak, I. Slaidins. Baltic Grid II on the Way to Interoperability. Submitted to the Journal
of Grid Computing, Springer Netherlands, 9 p.
M. Terauds, G. Valters, N. Vasilevskis, P. Misans, "Comparison of fixed-point arithmetic errors for the FPGA-Based
CRAIMOT basis function generators," presented at the 26th IEEE Norchip 2008 Conference, Tallinn, Estonia,
November 17-18, 2008, 6 pages in Proc. on flash (!!!), ID: 1-4244-2493-1/08©2008 IEEE.
P. Misans, M. Terauds, A. Aboltins, G. Valters, "MATLAB/SIMULINK Implementation of Phi-Transforms – A New
Toolbox Only or the Rival of Wavelet Toolbox for the Next Decade?," presented at the Nordic MATLAB User
Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 20-21, 2008, 8 pages in Proc. on CD.
D.Stepins. Examination of influence of periodic switching frequency modulation in dc/dc converters on power quality
on a load // Proc. Intern. Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2008), TUT, Tallinn, Estonia, Oct. 6-8, 2008,
pp.285-288. Gundega Rutka – Neironu tīklu modeļu lietošana interneta datplūsmas prognozēšanā Promocijas darba
kopsavilkums Rīga RTU 2008
Dr.Sc. Ing. Jurģis Poriņš – Nelineārie efekti optiskajās šķiedrās Promocijas darba kopsavilkums Rīga RTU 2008
P. Misans, U. Derums, "Introduction Into the Novel Two-Dimensional Discrete Orthogonal Transforms Based on Rotation Angles," paper (6 pp.) - in Proc. EEE, Kaunas: Technologija, 2008.
V.Bistrovs. Analysis of Kalman Algorithm for Different Movement Modes of Land Mobile Object. EEE, Nr.5 (85).: Kaunas
University of Technology, Kaunas, 2008, pp.89-92.
A.Kluga, J.Kluga, E.Grabs, V.Semjonova. Estimation of GPS Receiver Parameters with Re-reference Systemand Signal
Simulator. EEE, Nr.5 (85).: Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, 2008, pp.69-72.
J.Jeļinskis, G.Lauks Data Mining for Managing Intrinsic Quality of Service in MPLS
EEE, Nr.5 (85).: Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, 2008, pp.33-36.
J.Jeļinskis Heuristic algorithm for Robust Approximate Hurst Parameter Estimation with Wavelet Analysis and Neural
Networks. EEE, 2008, No.6(86), 70-74.
J. Jeļinskis, G. Lauks, "Approximation of Internet traffic using Robust wavelet Neural Networks",
EEE 2008, Kaunas, Lithuania, No. 6(86) , pp. 81-84
J.Jankovskis, D.Stepins, S.Tjukovs, D.Pikulins. Examination of different spread spectrum techniques for EMI suppression in
dc/dc converters // EEE, 2008, No.6(86), 60-64.
A. Ruško, V. Novikovs, G. Balodis. Case shielding efficiency, high frequency technology // EEE– Kaunas: Technologija, 2008.
– No. 9(81). – p. 41–45.
M.Ekmanis, V.Novikovs, A.Ruško, ”Unauthorized Network Services Detection by Flow Analysis”, EEE 2008 m. Nr. 5(85).
A.Ipatovs, E. Petersons. „The Wireless Network installation for Mobile Users.” Proceedings of International Conference
Electrical and Control Techologies-2008, Lietuva, 2008. gadā 24.-25. aprīlī
A.Ipatovs, E. Petersons. „An Experimental Performance Evaluation of the Wireless Network for Mobile Users.” (Lietuva, 2008.
g. janvārī).
V.Boicovs. Database for Information Processing of GPS Users’ Apparatus. The 6-th International Conference “Information
Technologies and Management”. Information SystemManagement Institute 2008 April 14-15, Riga, Latvia, 2007. 27p.
P. Misans, G. Valters, M. Terauds, E. Bekeris, A. Aboltins, "Initial implementation of generalized Haar-like transforms into
FPGA-Based devices - Part I: Signal Spectrum Analyzer Module," in press, Scientific Proc. of RTU, T&E, Riga, RTU, vol. 8,
Dec., 2008, 6 pages.
P. Misans, G. Valters, M. Terauds, N. Vasilevskis, "Initial implementation of generalized Haar-like transforms into FPGABased
devices - Part II: Decomposition-reconstruction filters," in press, Scientific Proc. of RTU, T&E, Riga, RTU, vol. 8, Dec.,
2008, 5 pages